From the book (biography), "Tucker," by Chadwick Moore, p.58: When Tucker was twenty-one and preparing to ask for Susie's hand in marriage, he did get Lisa's [his mother's] address from her sister. Recalls Susie, "He wrote her a letter and said, I'm writing to tell you my mother, that I am asking a woman to marry me, and I'm ready to tell you I forgive you for what you did to me as a child, because I know I will never be the kind of husband and father I hope to be if I cannot forgive you. So, he was never bitter. He truly forgave her."
P.62: Dick [Tucker's father] knows from personal experience how often "people in television, who get paid huge amounts of money, think they're important," as he tells me. "But Tucker's not like that - not overly impressed with himself, or thinking he's got all the answers. He has humility." He pauses, recalls running into a man for whom Tucker worked when he was starting out in his journalism career. "'I just want to tell you why I hired your son,' he said. "It's because he had such good manners. We had over a hundred people apply for the job and I interviewed them. Your son didn't have any experience in newspapers, but his manners were so outrageously good that it affected me, and I hired him for that reason. He stood up when I entered the room, he looked me in the eye when he shook my hands." Dick pauses. "Then he went on from there to The Weekly Standard, and next thing I knew he's flying off to war zones..."
Have you eaten an MRE ("Meal, Ready-to Eat" )? Or even seen one?
Our veterans may be the only ones who have had the experience. Though after the recent hurricanes here on Clearwater Beach the National Guard visited our neighborhood and handed out MREs. Watch this short video if you have never seen an MRE and are curious about the ingredients. And if you have eaten MREs as a veteran on a war front, enjoy a burger or a hot dog on the grill instead!
Be aware of what you put on your skin. Especially if it is a chemical that increases skin absorption of harmful chemicals. Found in cosmetics and on disposable razors. And learn a better way. Old school, traditional approaches are often safer, less expensive, and less toxic to the environment.
With all the division and controversy over who should be our next president in this election year, I thought it worthy to examine the difference between the U.S. president who is to this day the only president officially honored on this holiday and the president whose holiday was combined with the original holiday to make what most people now call, "President's Day."
George Washington was a valiant, humble soldier who led our forefathers into independence from an intrusive, money-hungry government that sought to control and tax them beyond reason. Most people believe Abraham Lincoln to be the next greatest president. Yet the truth speaks otherwise. Listen and learn the truth about our 16th president. From me and from Joel Salatin, 2 old and, perhaps, wise men.
Abraham Lincoln changed the landscape of our country. He was the leader of change from a country founded on freedom to a country controlled by a more and more intrusive, controlling, money-hungry government, much like the British ...
Our country's greatest president? He not only ended the central bank but paid off the national debt, the only president to do either. Watch the documentary,
February 22, 1732
George Washington was born in Virginia on February 11, 1731, according to the then-used Julian calendar. In 1752, however, Britain and all its colonies adopted the Gregorian calendar which moved Washington's birthday a year and 11 days to February 22, 1732.