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Imagine a life without stress. Living healthy by listening. After 35+ years as a doctor and myriads of books read and personal experience, I would like to attract those who seek peace in their life whether the house is on fire or they are simply deciding what to eat today. I have listened and read from all the experts and have a unique understanding that makes sense of the millions of pieces of the puzzle being presented by all the "experts." Plus "how to" videos.
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This July 4, Independence Day, the day the Continental Congress approved the document that we celebrate tomorrow, consider what perhaps the boldest of the American Revolutionaries said, in a speech commemorating the Boston Massacre. A man who, in August 1776, was the 1st to place his signature, for all to see, on a document that many thought would become a death warrant to those who signed it. Yes, the first to sign the Declaration of Independence, in such large letters as to say to King George, "Make no mistake whose signature this is. Here I am, come and get me." Elected President of the Continental Congress in 1775. And Governor of Massachusetts in 1780. His conflict with the British beginning in 1768 when 1 of his merchant ships was seized in Boston Harbor by British custom officials who accused him of unloading cargo without paying the required taxes. The name of that ship of his? LIBERTY. Enjoy a portion of his oratory.

"I have the most animating confidence that the present noble struggle for liberty will terminate gloriously for America. And let us play the man for our God, and for the cities of our God; whilst we are using the means and our power, let us humbly commit our righteous cause to the great Lord of the Universe, who loveth righteousness and hated the iniquity. And having secured the approbation of our hearts by a faithful and unwearied discharge of our duty to our country, let us joyfully leave our concerns and the hands of Him who raised it up and pull it down the empires and kingdoms of the world as He pleases; and with cheerful submission to His sovereign will, devoutly say, 'Although the fig tree shall not blossom neither shall fruit be in the vines, the labor of the olive shall fail and the field shall yield not meat, the flock shall be cut off from the fold and there shall be no herd in the stalls, that we will rejoice in the Lord, we will joy in the God of our salvation'" [Habakkuk 3:17-18]. -John Hancock March 5, 1774, in an oration, commemorating the Boston Massacre of 1770.
-from Original Intent by David Barton p.90-91.

More on John Hancock:

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Grilled burger or MRE for Veterans Day?

Have you eaten an MRE ("Meal, Ready-to Eat" )? Or even seen one?
Our veterans may be the only ones who have had the experience. Though after the recent hurricanes here on Clearwater Beach the National Guard visited our neighborhood and handed out MREs. Watch this short video if you have never seen an MRE and are curious about the ingredients. And if you have eaten MREs as a veteran on a war front, enjoy a burger or a hot dog on the grill instead!


Be aware of what you put on your skin. Especially if it is a chemical that increases skin absorption of harmful chemicals. Found in cosmetics and on disposable razors. And learn a better way. Old school, traditional approaches are often safer, less expensive, and less toxic to the environment.

President's Day 2024

With all the division and controversy over who should be our next president in this election year, I thought it worthy to examine the difference between the U.S. president who is to this day the only president officially honored on this holiday and the president whose holiday was combined with the original holiday to make what most people now call, "President's Day."

George Washington was a valiant, humble soldier who led our forefathers into independence from an intrusive, money-hungry government that sought to control and tax them beyond reason. Most people believe Abraham Lincoln to be the next greatest president. Yet the truth speaks otherwise. Listen and learn the truth about our 16th president. From me and from Joel Salatin, 2 old and, perhaps, wise men.

Abraham Lincoln changed the landscape of our country. He was the leader of change from a country founded on freedom to a country controlled by a more and more intrusive, controlling, money-hungry government, much like the British ...

The President who should be included in today's celebration.

Our country's greatest president? He not only ended the central bank but paid off the national debt, the only president to do either. Watch the documentary,

Intriguing historical fact for President's Day 2025.

February 22, 1732
George Washington was born in Virginia on February 11, 1731, according to the then-used Julian calendar. In 1752, however, Britain and all its colonies adopted the Gregorian calendar which moved Washington's birthday a year and 11 days to February 22, 1732.

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